Traffc and Pavement Engineering|交通与路面工程|英文CRC2021版




  • 第一卷:交通与路面工程
    • 第一部分“交通工程”涉及交通系统的功能部分,并介绍了工程技术,实践和模型,这些技术,设计和实践用于设计交通系统,控制交通流量和运动,并建造适当的道路和高速公路以实现安全有效的交通人和道路上的交通。
    • 第二部分“路面材料,分析和设计”涉及交通设施的结构和功能部分,并介绍了用于设计,维护和建造沥青的高质量和可持续材料的工程技术和原理。路面和混凝土刚性路面。路面工程的最终目标是提供一种安全,耐用,可持续的路面结构,并能够在主要气候条件下承受预计的交通负荷。正确的人行道结构设计是一种考虑人行道的应力和应变力学分析的方法,可以预测行人路的性能。本节通过以独特的方式介绍主题,从而实现了这一目标。
  • 第二卷:公路规划,勘测和设计
    • 第一部分“城市交通规划”提出了一个涉及多模式方法和综合规划步骤和模型的过程,以设计和评估交通系统和设施的各种替代方案,预测出行需求和未来需求,以及管理设施和服务最终实现一种安全,有效和可持续的人员和货物运输系统。
    • 第二部分“公路勘测”介绍了为公路设计中使用的公路路线,横截面和土方量进行精确,精确的距离,角度和水平测量所需的基本概念和标准程序。
    • 第三部分“公路的几何设计”涉及控制公路几何设计的三个主要要素的工程设计技术,标准和模型:水平和垂直路线,轮廓和横截面,以实现几何设计的主要目标:安全,效率和可持续性。

This book, comprising of two volumes and encompassing a total of fve parts, is the outcome of a great deal of effort and time spent over the years in studying and teaching at outstanding academic institutes like Jordan University of Science and Technology, Applied Science University, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, the American University of Sharjah, and the University of Sharjah, and in conducting advanced scientifc research at some of the highly recognized research centers worldwide like the Advanced Transportation Research and Engineering Laboratory (ATREL) at the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign, the Federal Highway Administration’s Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center (TFHRC), advanced research labs at Jordan University of Science and Technology and the Advanced Pavement Research Lab at the University of Sharjah.

The book implements a unique kind of approach and categorizes transportation engineering topics into fve major key areas, as shown below:

  • Volume I: Traffc and Pavement Engineering
    • Part I ”Traffc Engineering” deals with the functional part of transportation systems and introduces engineering techniques, practices, and models that are applied to design traffc systems, control traffc fow and movement, and construct proper roads and highways to achieve safe and effcient movement of people and traffc on roadways.
    • Part II ”Pavement Materials, Analysis, and Design” deals with both the structural and functional parts of transportation facilities and introduces engineering techniques and principles of the uses of high-quality and sustainable materials that are employed to design, maintain, and construct asphalt-surfaced road pavements and concrete rigid pavements. The ultimate goal of pavement engineering is to provide a pavement structure that is safe, durable, sustainable, and capable of carrying the predicted traffc loads under prevailing climatic conditions. Proper structural design of pavements is one that takes into consideration the mechanistic analysis of pavements for stresses and strains that can predict the performance of the pavement with time. This section fulflls this goal by presenting the subject in a unique manner.
  • Volume II: Highway Planning, Survey, and Design
    • Part I ”Urban Transportation Planning” presents a process that involves a multi-modal approach and comprehensive planning steps and models to design and evaluate a variety of alternatives for transportation systems and facilities, predict travel demand and future needs, and manage the facilities and services for the different modes of transportation to fnally achieve a safe, effcient, and sustainable system for the movement of people and goods.
    • Part II ”Highway Survey” presents the basic concepts and standard procedures necessary to make precise and accurate distance, angle, and level measurements for highway alignment, cross-sections, and earth quantities used in the design of highways.
    • Part III ”Geometric Design of Highways” deals with engineering design techniques, standards, and models that control the three main elements of highway geometric design: horizontal and vertical alignments, profle, and cross-section to achieve the primary objectives of geometric design: safety, effciency, and sustainability.

《Traffc and Pavement Engineering|交通与路面工程|英文CRC2021版》


CRC, 2021

pdf, 575 pages, english

ISBN-13: 978-0-367-14983-3


  1. pp说道:

