通过学习如何设计带有活动零件的机器来扩展SolidWorks 3D CAD技能。在本课程中,学习如何设计19世纪初与蒸汽机竞争的组件。跟着约翰诺·埃里森(Johno Ellison),他带领您逐步完成创建斯特林发动机的步骤,斯特林发动机是罗伯特·斯特林(Robert Stirling)在1816年发明的。约翰诺展示了如何使用SolidWorks来创建所有零件,将零件组合成装配体,并为最终产品准备图纸。Johno还提供了将创作从虚拟设计转移到物理设计的技巧和想法。
Expand your SolidWorks 3D CAD skills by learning how to design a machine with moving parts. In this course, learn through designing the components of an early-19th-century rival to the steam engine. Follow along with Johno Ellison as he leads you through the steps for creating a Stirling engine, a closed-cycle heat engine invented by Robert Stirling in 1816. Johno shows how to use SolidWorks to create all the parts, combine the parts into an assembly, and prepare drawings for the final product. Johno also provides tips and ideas for moving the creation from a virtual to physical design.