霍尼韦尔UniSim Flare软件是霍尼韦尔UniSim Design系列产品的最新产品。该软件用于设计新的燃烧器和排放系统,从排放阀到燃烧器的尖端,或测量现有系统,以确保它们能够承受所有可能的紧急情况。UniSim Flare还可以用于修复倦怠系统瓶颈,因此您不再需要使用工厂机器执行各种操作。
- 能够对收敛,发散和复杂的割炬或排放系统进行建模,以设计,测量或释放瓶颈
- 通过UniSim Design文件轻松,直接输入数据,以分析各种安全方法
- 能够执行单相或多相电流(包括高强度三相功率)的计算,以及简单的MW(分子量)或完整的混合分析
- 具有多种流量/压力释放方法,包括共生气体,不受控制的气体,乞讨和盲文,Ducler和Arkizsky方法。
- 图形用户界面和用户友好的报告方法
- 利用现有的样本工具根据业务准则优化设计
- 开发旋转页面的过程
- 根据各种操作条件测量设备
- 根据运营目标监控设备效率
Windows XP Windows 7 Windows 8-8.1
HONEYWELL UniSim Design R451安装包+破解补丁
HONEYWELL UniSim Design R451 Crack Only破解补丁
Instructions: Unrar and install the application. Copy patche filse replacing original ones: \patched\Design\*.dll to the folder <installdir>\UniSim Design R451\ \patched\Design\Paste commom-simstation\DataServer.dll to the folder <Program Files (x86)>\Common Files\Honeywell\SimStation\ \patched\Design\Paste common-extention-pipesys\PIPESYS-Unisim.dll to the folder <Program Files (x86)>\Common Files\Honeywell\UniSim Design\Extensions\pipesys\ \patched\Flare\Paste commom-simstation\DataServer.dll to the folder <Program Files (x86)>\Common Files\Honeywell\SimStation\ {it is the same file as in Design module} \patched\PRS\Honeywell.SM.PRS.Project.dll to the folder to the folder <installdir>\UniSim PRS R451\ \patched\PRS\Paste commom-simstation\DataServer.dll to the folder <Program Files (x86)>\Common Files\Honeywell\SimStation\ {it is the same file as in Design module} \patched\Termoworkbrench and Exchangernet\*.dll to the folders <installdir>\UniSim ExchangerNet R451\ <installdir>\UniSim ThermoWorkbench R451 patched\UHX\Paste commom-simstation\DataServer.dll to the folder <Program Files (x86)>\Common Files\Honeywell\SimStation\ {it is the same file as in Design module} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 解压安装源程序,复制补丁文件到相应文件夹,覆盖即可。 Copy patche filse replacing original ones: \patched\Design\*.dll 到下面文件夹内 <installdir>\UniSim Design R451\ \patched\Design\Paste commom-simstation\DataServer.dll 到下面文件夹内 <Program Files (x86)>\Common Files\Honeywell\SimStation\ \patched\Design\Paste common-extention-pipesys\PIPESYS-Unisim.dll 到下面文件夹内 <Program Files (x86)>\Common Files\Honeywell\UniSim Design\Extensions\pipesys\ \patched\Flare\Paste commom-simstation\DataServer.dll 到下面文件夹内 <Program Files (x86)>\Common Files\Honeywell\SimStation\ {it is the same file as in Design module} \patched\PRS\Honeywell.SM.PRS.Project.dll 到下面文件夹内 到下面文件夹内 <installdir>\UniSim PRS R451\ \patched\PRS\Paste commom-simstation\DataServer.dll 到下面文件夹内 <Program Files (x86)>\Common Files\Honeywell\SimStation\ {it is the same file as in Design module} \patched\Termoworkbrench and Exchangernet\*.dll 到下面文件夹内s <installdir>\UniSim ExchangerNet R451\ <installdir>\UniSim ThermoWorkbench R451 patched\UHX\Paste commom-simstation\DataServer.dll 到下面文件夹内 <Program Files (x86)>\Common Files\Honeywell\SimStation\ {it is the same file as in Design module}
HONEYWELL UniSim Design Suite R460.1 Crack 安装包+破解补丁
HONEYWELL UniSim Design Suite R460.1 破解补丁
Instructions: Unrar and install the application. NOTE: 1)If you want use the Design module only, you don't need change anything in SIMSTATION folder, only replace three files (amines.dll, dataserver.dll and unisimeng.dll) in the installdir and replace the PIPESYS-Unisim.dll in the folder: \Common Files\honeywell\UniSim Design\Extensions\pipesys\ 2)If you want use UHX module with Design module, follow the step 1 and also replace the dataserver.dll in the SIMSTATION dir with \patched\UHX and SIMSTATION\DataServer.dll 3)If you want use only the HTRI module, replace the dataserver.dll in SIMSTATION installdir with \patched\HTRI and SIMSTATION\DataServer.dll 4)If you want use only the TW and EN, only replace two dlls in install dir with \patched\TW and EN\ and isn't necessary any change in SIMSTATION dir. 5)If you want use only PRS module, replace the dataserver.dll in SIMSTATION dir and Honeywell.SM.PRS.Project.dll in installdir of PRS. 6)The versions 451 and 460.1 ARE NOT COMPATIBLE, and cannot be installed on the same PC. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 说明:解压并安装该应用程序。 注意: 1)如果您只想使用设计模块,则可以 不需要在SIMSTATION文件夹中进行任何更改, 仅替换三个文件(amines.dll, dataserver.dll和unisimeng.dll) installdir并替换PIPESYS-Unisim.dll 在文件夹中: \ Common Files \ honeywell \ UniSim Design \ Extensions \ pipesys \ 2)如果要将UHX模块与设计模块一起使用, 按照步骤1进行操作,并同时更换 SIMSTATION目录中的dataserver.dll与 \ patched \ UHX和SIMSTATION \ DataServer.dll 3)如果只想使用HTRI模块,请更换 SIMSTATION installdir中的dataserver.dll与 \ patched \ HTRI和SIMSTATION \ DataServer.dll 4)如果只想使用TW和EN, 将安装目录中的两个dll替换为 \ patched \ TW和EN \ 并且不需要对SIMSTATION目录进行任何更改。 5)如果只想使用PRS模块,请更换 SIMSTATION目录中的dataserver.dll和 PRS的installdir中的Honeywell.SM.PRS.Project.dll。 6)版本451和460.1不兼容, 并且不能安装在同一台PC上。