成本估算,服务规格和报价的创建是一个不可低估的时间和成本因素。Geberit ProPlanner是经过定制的,可以满足Geberit的管道工,卫生工程师和技术顾问的需求,他们关心中型和大型项目的计划和计算。该软件包涵盖了从饮用水,废水和安装系统一直到虹吸屋顶排水系统的全部卫生技术。
只需单击几下鼠标,便会以所需的格式创建完整尺寸和计算的计划或服务说明。安装系统的示意图,平面图,前视图,3D视图(包括安装计划)以及液压,材料,报价和计算列表可立即作为输出结果使用。与其他计算程序的各种接口可用于进一步处理计划结果。Geberit ProPlanner自动以最佳,清晰的可视化方式提供每个细节。定期更新可确保软件始终按照最新的标准和法规运行。
Competitive and reliable quotations are an important requirement for good planning. With its planning software ProPlanner, Geberit is providing sanitary entrepreneurs with a sophisticated tool in this regard.
The creation of cost estimates, specifications of service and quotations is a time and cost factor which cannot be underestimated. Geberit ProPlanner is customised to meet the needs of plumbers, sanitary engineers and the technical advisors at Geberit who concern themselves with the planning and calculation of medium-scale and major projects. The full range of sanitary technology – from drinking water, waste water and installation systems right through to syphonic roof drainage systems – is covered in this software package.
With a few clicks of the mouse, a fully dimensioned and calculated plan or the specification of service is created in the desired format. Schematic views, plan views, front views, 3D views of installation systems (including installation plans), as well as hydraulic, material, quotation and calculation lists are immediately available as output results. Various interfaces to other calculation programs are available for further processing of the planning results. Geberit ProPlanner automatically provides every detail in optimum, clear visualisation. Regular updates ensure that the software always operates with the latest standards and regulations.
Instructions: Unrar and install the app. Once start the app as admin, answer to the first prompt (question) and exit (do not register your firm) Replace original .dll with the patched one. Start the app normally. 安装说明: 1、第一步:解压压缩包,点击安装程序。记得你的安装位置,将来方便安装补丁。 2、第二步:回答完第一个提示,千万不要注册公司信息等,直接退出。 3、第三步:将patched文件夹内的补丁程序拷贝并覆盖掉你的安装目录中。(补丁文件为:Geberit.ProPlanner.Application.Frame.Licensing.dll) 4、打开程序,可以正常运行,恭喜了。enjoy!